Our courses can be booked individually, in pairs, or in groups. You may want to work specifically on your writing skills, or on improving speaking and understanding Dutch. Or focus on reading and interpreting. The emphasis of the training will be on what you feel you need. The intensity and duration of our courses can also be adjusted, depending on your preferences. What about an entire training week or a weekend? That means an intensive programme to quickly improve your language skills, but the atmosphere is relaxed. Or you can sign up for a flexible programme, and come to the farm for a few hours each week.
Weekend course
Improve your language skills in two days, with time for relaxation and various activities on and around the farm. Bookable in combination with an overnight stay/package deal on the farm. A weekend getaway that is both relaxing and educational.
Week course
Break free from your daily routine and work on your language skills in a laid-back atmosphere. No need to study non-stop; you will have plenty of opportunities for walking, gardening, or just enjoying some “me-time”. Bookable in combination with an overnight stay/package deal on the farm.
Day courses and workshops
In our day courses and workshops, you can work on a specific theme or brush up on your existing knowledge. You get help with subjects that you find interesting or difficult. Perhaps you want to practice your creative writing, or finally get a grip on those impossible d and t verbs!
Language coaching
Individual coaching that allows you to book flexible sessions with a prepaid "class pass". That way, if you have taken a course and run into some problems later, you can easily schedule a new session. Also ideal for those times when you could do with some linguistic support, or when you feel the need to brush up on your knowledge of the language.